Copy the app in the "Applications" folder and double click the app icon.
Important: the first time you open the app you have to open "
System Preferences > Security & Privacy" and enable the app to run.
Note: since version 10.15.3 of macOS, to give the application access to all files, you can do the
- Go to System Preferences > Security and Privacy > Privacy > Full Disk Access.
- Click +
- Select your hard drive in the sidebar (named Macintosh HD unless you've changed it).
- Use the keyboard shortcut ⇧⌘. (shift+command+period) to show hidden files.
- Open the "bin" folder.
- Click the executable file "sh" inside that folder.
- Click Open.
- Make sure the box next to "sh" is checked.
Alternatively, you can open the app from the terminal (giving it permission to access all files) using the following command:
mono /Applications/ > /dev/null &